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Monday, October 10, 2005

Monday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 10.10.2005:

Two Under-reported Developments in Iran's Nuclear Programs.

Iran Designs Nuke Warhead For Shihab-3

Middle East Newsline:
Iran was said to have designed a nuclear warhead for the Shihab-3 intermediate-range ballistic missile.

The United States has briefed several nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency of an Iranian program to develop a nuclear warhead for the Shihab-3. Diplomatic sources said the U.S. briefers asserted that from 2001 to 2003 Iran designed and developed a circular warhead that could detonate at an altitude meant to ensure optimal damage.

An empty nuclear warhead was said to have been installed on the Shihab-3 for two missile tests in mid-2004. The sources said the warhead appeared similar to a Soviet-based intercontinental missile deployed by Moscow in the 1960s.

The sources said that in August the U.S. delegation briefed such countries as China, India, Russia, and South Africa ahead of last month's IAEA board of governors meeting in Vienna. READ MORE
So if Iran has the weapon design, the ability to produce plutonium and the means to deliver the bomb, what are they lacking? If this report can be confirmed it is a very disturbing development.

Iran Confirms Stopping Additional Protocol of the NPT

Safa Haeri, Iran Press Service:
Iran’s top nuclear negotiator said that Tehran would leave the Additional Protocol but not the nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

If addressed with a language of menace and force, we shall continue with the NPT and talking, but will get out of the Additional Protocols”, said Mr. Ali Larijani, the Secretary of the Supreme Council on National Security, referring to the clause that allows international nuclear inspectors to visit any nuclear site, installation or project at short notice and without any restrictions. READ MORE
These reports are so important that the mainstream media needs to investigate these reports and either confirm or deny them.

Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • Iran Press News reported that Mohammad Kiareshi, the previous representative of the Islamic regime at the IAEA claimed: The purpose for bestowing the Nobel Peace Prize on El Baradei is to publicize his image to the world, deceive and bamboozle world opinion...
  • Iran Press News reported that El Baradei's deputy traveled to Iran Sunday.
  • Iran Press News reported that Iran's Airports and airlines offices all across Iran will be forced to eliminate foreign words and characters.
  • Iran Press News reported that the regime has refused to stop the execution of yet another teenager.
  • Farid Pouya, Webgardian reported that Ghalibaf, the new Mayor of Tehran recently said former Mayor of Tehran, Ahmadinejad, did not do any thing important for city.
  • Simon Henderson, The Washington Institute provided an analysis of Saudi Foreign Policy and the insurgency in Iraq.
  • Reuters reported Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will hammer out a joint strategy with European powers over how to curb Iran's suspected nuclear arms programs on a trip later this week to France and Britain.
  • Reuters reported Kurt Volker, a senior official responsible for Europe and Eurasia in the U.S. State Department, said I don't think we [U.S./EU3] are going to be diverted, or distracted or divided by half-steps or small steps or probing of our position.
  • Anupama Narayanswamy, The Washington Times reported that IAEA vote is seen as hurting India-Iran ties. A detailed report.
  • SMCCDI reported that several students were injured, on Sunday evening, by brutal Bassij Force's elements who attacked them with knives and clubs. Iran focus and Iran Press News have more details.
  • Farnaz Ghazizadeh, Rooz Online reported on the growing call for a national dress code by hard-liners in Iran.
  • Omid Memarian, Rooz Online examines the implications of the new role of the Expediency Council to oversee the government and Rafsanjani's powerful new role as its Chairman.
  • And finally, Cox & Forkum published another cartoon on terrorism: Their Perspective.