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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tuesday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 10.4.2005:

Army takes control of Iran nukes

David R. Sands, The Washington Times:
Iran's new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has placed the military firmly in control of his nation's nuclear program, undercutting his government's claim that the program is intended for civilian use, according to a leading opposition group. READ MORE
Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • Dan Darling, The Weekly Standard takes a close look at Iranian Brigadier General Qassem Suleimani and the Qods (Jerusalem) Force unit under his command and his efforts in Iraq. A must read.
  • Iran Press News reported that Dr. Roya Toloui, arrested in Iranian Kurdistan, is expected to be released on bail, today.
  • Dr. DK reported that ten years in prison and 75 whips of the lash await an Iranian man being deported from Denmark to Iran.
  • Iran Press News reported that Rafsanjani said recently: we hope that in the case of the our nuclear dossier as well, our adversaries do not do anything risky because it will have calamitous result for them.
  • Iran Press News reported that the Kurdish people's animosity with the Iranian government has nothing to do with a foreign conspiracy!
  • Iran Press News reported that according to reports, Hossein Khodaayaari, Fine Arts student in Kerman University will be prosecuted on Nov. 16th, 2005.
  • Gareth Smyth, The Financial Times reported that Iran's fundamentalist president, recently met other senior leaders in Tehran and suggested they should not worry unduly about growing western pressure.
  • Indian Express reported the Indian government has no intention of giving its Left wing opposition any prior commitment on the Iran issue.
  • Science Daily reported that Iran will invest up to $50 billion in the oil sector over the next five years.
  • Dow Jones Newswires reported that Russia rejected the European tactic of pressuring Iran on its nuclear program.
  • Dow Jones Newswires reported that Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said that Iran hopes to gain support among countries in the Persian Gulf in its confrontation with the West over Tehran's disputed nuclear program.
  • Bill Samii, Radio Free Europe reported a major development in the Iranian government. The Supreme Leader endorsed a change, which gives the unelected Expediency Council supervisory powers over the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government
  • Middle East Online reported that Iran said it would not accept resuming negotiations with Britain, France and Germany on its nuclear program if the EU continued to insist the Islamic republic abandon fuel cycle work.
  • Jane's Defense Weekly is reporting that the Russian launch of Iran's first spy satellite has been delayed due to a malfunction.
  • And finally, Micah Halpern, FrontPagMagazine explains why Gholam Ali Haddad Ade's trip to Lebanon and Syria is so important.