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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Tuesday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 10.11.2005:

Iran accused of training Iraqi bombers

London has accused Iran of running training camps to teach militants how to carry out roadside bomb attacks on British troops in southern Iraq, according to newspaper reports on Wednesday.

The government believes Iran's Revolutionary Guard has taught Shi'ite militia members from Iraq how to make armour-piercing devices, the Daily Mirror reported, citing an unnamed defence source.

"There is evidence that there are teaching camps in Iran, Lebanon and maybe Syria," the source was quoted as saying. "It means up to 10 Iraqis at a time are being taught their trade before returning and teaching a further 50 similar minded people." READ MORE
Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • Dow Jones Newswires reported that Iran signaled it may grant access to sites linked to possible work on nuclear weapons and other demands from the International Atomic Energy Agency.
  • Reuters reported that Prime Minister Tony Blair said Iran needed to comply with the IAEA resolution and stop its support for terrorism. He added: I think they would make a great mistake if they thought the international community lacked the will to make sure that is done.
  • Iran Press News reported that Hezbollah established a TV Channel for the United States and Europe.
  • Iran Press News reported that Revolutionary Guard Kowsari, the Director of the office of the Armed Security Forces said: We know all of our various enemie's weak spots and we know just how to deal with them. Today we are equipped with people who are martyrdom-seekers, who can seriously damage these weak spots.
  • Iran Press News reported that hundreds of West Alborz Coal miners and employees gathered to protest in Tehran.
  • Iran Press News reported that the popular and diligent activist Kianoosh Sanjari has been temporarily released from prison.
  • Iran Press News reported that Manouchehr Mot'taki, the foreign minister of the IRI will travel to China to discuss the relationship between China and the Islamic Republic.
  • Iran Press News reported on the abusive and violent treatment of the disciplinary guards toward the youth of Iran.
  • Yasser, Under Underground said "its a fact" that 30 years before Turkey’s economy was about less than half of Iran’s economy but today Iran's is less than of half that of Turkey.
  • Dan Darling, Regnum Crucis published Michael Ledeen's thoughts on Iran's so-called rogue elements in Iraq.
  • Michael Ledeen, The National Review suggested we use a powerful weapon against the terror masters: fun.
  • Reuters reported that Britain and France put new pressure on Iran on Tuesday.
  • BBC News reported that the future of the UK's Trident missile deterrent could be affected if Iran develops nuclear weapons.
  • Africasia reported that UN nuclear watchdog number two Olli Heinonen left for Iran, where he is "paying a visit to certain officials."
  • The Los Angeles Times reported that while Colin L. Powell and his team faced off against administration and usually lost, Condi is winning.
  • Hamid Ahadi, Rooz Online reported the Supreme Leader cautions the President and his Cabinet.
  • Massoud Behnoud, Rooz Online discussed the problem of closed political societies.
  • And finally, Arash Mottamed, Rooz Online described the recent crisis between the hard-liners in Tehran and Washington to a game of ping pong.