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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Radical Islamists furious at student protests in Iran capital

Iran Focus: A pro-MEK website
Radical Islamists fiercely loyal to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei condemned on Tuesday protests against the appointment of a notorious cleric with no academic background as the new chancellor of the University of Tehran. READ MORE

A statement posted on the official website of Ansar-e Hezbollah said that “disturbances” on November 27 in the university were unacceptable.

Ayatollah Amid Zanjani, a radical Shiite cleric with a notorious record of human rights violations when he was a religious prosecutor in the 1980s, was installed as chancellor by the hard-line government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Zanjani’s inauguration ceremony turned into a fiasco as students abandoned classes and held a demonstration. Zanjani’s turban was thrown off during the scuffles. One of the students detained after the demonstration has been charged with “insulting the clergy”.

“There is an impure current which is pursuing as a priority a project to remove religion from universities to make them secular”, Ansar-e Hezbollah’s students lobby said in their statement.