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Monday, December 19, 2005

Soldier kills Militiamen in sign of exasperation

SMCCDI (Information Service):
A draftee soldier killed three militiamen in the Varche Military post, located near the western City of Kermanshah, by using his assault gun. The soldier named “Behzad Bana” ended his own life according to the Islamic regime's official sources.

No news has been communicated on the reason of the incident but dissent is growing among Iranian draftees who are enrolled in the regime's regular army forces. Many young recruits are well aware of the catastrophic economic and social conditions and can’t control their exasperation.

A sharp shooter of the Air Force killed several militiamen in 1997 in Eslamshahr, a poor suburb of Tehran, before getting gunned down. In this case, as well, official sources declared that the soldier ended his own life but residents talked about the bravery of the soldier having revolted against injustice and his determination till the last minute. Many army members and residents still consider him as a hero. READ MORE

Dissent in the Pasdaran Corp. (Islamist Revolutionary Guards supposed to protect the regime) is also a well known factor and many Iranians cherish the bravery of Brigadier General Dozdoozani and several of his officers who stood against the Islamic regime by signing the public letter entitled “We the Combatants!

The letter which was an unprecedented open attack against the Islamic regime was denouncing the corruption and injustices brought by the theological structure and the refusal of its endorsers to “wear from now on, a uniform which is symbol of injustice and repression”.

Dozdoozani and his officers faced the regime’s death squad but their murders broke the artificial myth of the uniformity of this ideological military wing.