Friday, January 13, 2006

Saturday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 1.14.2005:

Iran Threatens to block UN Inspectors.
  • CNN News reported that Tehran is threatening to block inspections of its nuclear sites if a dispute over its atomic activity is sent to the U.N. Security Council.
  • Telegraph reported that Jack Straw, the UK Foreign Secretary, said that Iran may face UN sanctions over its resumption of nuclear activities, but insisted that military action was not being considered.
  • Zaman Online reported that France has reported it is too early to demand sanctions over Iran’s resuming its nuclear energy program.
  • The Financial Times reported that Iran still wants more talks and Condi does not support penalizing the Iranian soccer team for the mis-deeds of the regime.
  • The Washington Post reported on the meeting of President Bush and visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel and their efforts to pursue diplomatic efforts to get Iran to end a suspected nuclear weapons program.
  • provided excerpts of some major European newspapers and their view the Iran crisis.
What should we do?
  • Kenneth R. Timmerman, FrontPageMagazine recommended sanctions that should follow Iran's referral to the UN Security Council.
  • Victor Davis Hanson, The National Review reviewed our bad and worse choices about Iran.
  • Thomas L. Friedman, The New York Times reported that recently Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick suggested to the Chinese to become a responsible "stakeholder" in the international system by joining in international efforts to force Iran to end its nuclear weapons program.
  • Amir Taheri, Gulf News reviewed reports that the United States has decided to invade Iran and change its regime, on March 19.
Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • Michael Rubin, provided a brief history of the MEK which he describes as a monster of the left.
  • Amir Taheri, The New York Post reported that the clock is ticking for a regime change in Syria.
  • Media Line reported on the Iranian speech at the Hajj which attacked the US and Israel on saudi soil. Video.
  • Douglas Jehl, The New York Times reported that the director of national intelligence created a new "mission manager" for Iran and appointed S. Leslie Ireland.
  • And finally, Scott Ott, Scrapple Face published a bit of satire: Iran Years from Nuke, U.N. Decades from Action.