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Thursday, February 16, 2006

Friday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 2.17.2006:

How to use the $75 Million for pro-democracy efforts in Iran.
  • Kenneth R. Timmerman, examined the problems of current American broadcasts into Iran and what needs to be done to correct the problems. A must read.
  • Times Online also reported that America has dramatically increased its funding for Iranian human rights groups and dissidents.

The Russians Talk Tough on Iran.

  • ABC News reported that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Moscow will only host Iran's uranium enrichment program if Tehran agrees to re-impose an indefinite freeze on enrichment at home.
  • RIA Novosti reported that Russia's most senior military officer said that a military escalation of the situation around Iran's controversial nuclear program was a possibility. "I do not rule [it] out, but military action is not the best option."
Congress Condemns Iran.
  • Yahoo News reported that the House of Representatives, by a vote of 404 to four, passed a resolution condemning the government of Iran for resuming its nuclear program.
France claims Iran is pursuing the bomb.
  • Reuters reported that French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy said Iran was pursuing a clandestine military nuclear program. "No civilian nuclear program can explain the Iranian nuclear program. So it is a clandestine Iranian military nuclear program."
German Government Split on Iran.
  • Spiegel Online reported that while the West is quietly mulling the possibility of a military strike on Iran. The question of using force against the mullahs in Tehran is threatening to split the German government.
New Iranian Fatwa: Nuclear Weapons NOT Forbidden.
  • Memri reported that extremist clerics from Qom, Iran had issued "a new fatwa," which states that "the shari'a does not forbid the use of nuclear weapons."

Iranian Regime issues more press gag orders on the Nuclear Issue.

  • Rooz Online reported that after Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) instructed the Iranian media not to portray the country’s referral by the IAEA to the UN Security Council as a diplomatic failure, it has sent out another circular asking the press not to criticize Iran’s nuclear issue.

Iran Preemptively Limits Economic Relations with Europe.

  • Rooz Online reported that Ahmadinejad has ordered government agencies to limit the country's economic relations with Europe.
More on the Sufi Attacks.
  • Radio Free Europe reported that the scale and violence against Iran's Sufi minority "is unheard of."
Tehran Strikers Wives Ignore Court and ask for help.
  • Eli Lake, The New York Sun reported that despite being ordered not to talk to the international media by the court, the wives of the country's striking bus drivers are appealing for food and money to support their families.
  • Photos of Washington DC Union's support for Tehran Strikers.

New Amnesty International Report Blasts New President.

  • Amnesty International reported that since Iran's new president came to power human rights violations remain widespread and the new government has failed to take any action to address the situation.

Here are a few other news items you may have missed.

  • The Associated Press reported that House Republican Henry Hyde questioned the wisdom and potential effectiveness of American efforts to spread democracy.
  • Rooz Online provided more details on the unconfirmed reports about the suicide of Elham Afroutan, arrested for publishing an article insulting to Iranian hard-line government officials.