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Sunday, April 02, 2006

Student Paper Publishers Arrested in Iran

Iran Focus: a pro-MEK website
Iran’s security forces have arrested several student activists responsible for the publication of campus newspapers in two Iranian universities, government-run Persian-language websites reported on Sunday. READ MORE

Aslan Kamrani, editor of student paper Ael Sesi, was one of the individuals arrested. The paper is distributed in the University of Zahedan in the restive province of Sistan-va-Baluchistan in south-eastern Iran.

Asgar Nouri, editor of the student paper Birlik, was arrested in the Iranian capital. Birlik is distributed in Tehran’s Allameh Tabatabi University.

Another activist, Jaber Moussavi, has been detained on similar charges.

Two other students, Moharram Kamrani and Ibrahim Rashidi, have been arrested for their role in the publication of an Azeri paper. Azeris are Iran’s largest ethnic minority.