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Monday, April 03, 2006

Tuesday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 4.4.2006:

Iran Military war games: "We have very important news... in the next few days."
  • Reuters reported that Iran test fired a new torpedo in the Strait of Hormuz that they claim are "capable of destroying enemy warships and submarines at any depth and moving at any speed." They added: "We are going to have very important news that will make our nation proud in the next few days."
  • The Financial Times reported that Iran’s announcement that it had tested a new torpedo in the Persian Gulf is driving up oil prices.
  • ABC News reported that Richard Clarke said: "The missile test may backfire. Iran is claiming that missile has multiple warheads...the only reason for having multiple warheads is if you have nuclear weapons."
  • The New York Times reported on Iran's space program and its application to ballistic missile development.
  • Reuters reported that Iran said it would test fire more missiles as part of a week of wargames in the Gulf.
McCain: crisis with Iran headed towards "Armageddon?"
  • NewsMax reported that Senator John McCain said a military conflict with Iran over that country's nuclear program could lead to "Armageddon."
Bolton: The US is seeking a peaceful settlement with Iran.
  • Xinhua reported that U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, dismissed allegations that Washington would solve the Iran nuclear issue by force, saying that his country was seeking a peaceful settlement.
More arrests in Iran.
  • Iran Focus reported that some 400 people were arrested in the Iranian capital on the final day of the Persian New Year.
  • The Australian reported that the Iranian regime arrested seven men posing as the national wrestling team seeking to flee the country.
Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • RIA Novosti reported that the chief of Russia's General Staff said he could neither confirm nor deny reports that Ukraine had sold 250 nuclear warheads to Iran.
  • Bill Samii, Radio Free Europe reported that no matter what comes from the US/Iran talks on Iraq, Iran's "soft power," to influence Iraqi affairs seems likely to continue.
  • The Telegraph reported that the US Congress claimed that Swiss bank UBS helped finance the Mullahs' nuclear ambitions in breach of US sanctions.
  • Cox & Forkum published a cartoon: Chaos Theory.