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Saturday, February 19, 2005

France Says US May Reconsider Block on Iran 's WTO Hopes

Dow Jones Newswires:
The U.S. might reconsider its block on Iran 's efforts to join the World Trade Organization if Tehran renounces its uranium enrichment program, the French foreign minister said. Michel Barnier also said France doesn't for the moment want the U.N. Security Council to take up the issue of Iran 's nuclear program while European negotiations with Tehran continue. ...

"If the process of negotiation failed, the Security Council could be referred to, but it is important to do everything to avoid that scenario," Barnier was paraphrased as saying. ...

"Iran must understand that the entire international community is acting in the same direction," Barnier said, according to the summary.

It said Barnier also told senators that the U.S.' refusal to allow Iran to begin WTO membership talks "could be reconsidered if a definitive agreement was concluded on Iran renouncing its uranium enrichment program." ...