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Friday, February 18, 2005

Friday’s Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin Reports:

Words are weapons for Iranian bloggers. This UPI article contains some interesting facts. Bloggers take notice:

  • Today an estimated 75,000 Iranians maintain online Web logs
  • 5 million Internet users in Iran
  • Some observers say the gathering revolution will be blogged, not televised
  • At a recent U.N. summit, Khatami himself bragged that Iran's official language, Farsi, stands as the third most popular blogging tongue in the world… [Ledeen says Farsi is the 4th most popular]
  • "Web logs are much used at times of crisis (in Iran), such as during the June 2003 student demonstrations….
  • Nearly 20 people [bloggers] have been arrested over the past three months…
  • Iran's prosecutor-general ordered that a number of major reformist Web logs be blocked by Internet service providers

Here are a few of items you may have missed.

  • Iran has acquired the means to shut down the flow of oil through the Straits of Hormuz and worse.
  • The NY Sun has a report that alleges that Europe’s negotiations with Iran is all carrots and no sticks
  • Blog Iran wonders if Washington is finally serious about supporting democracy in Iran. Plus they have published a report of an “accidental fire” in Tehran’s Gold Bazaar. They are also asking for a letter writing campaign to PBS Frontline to encourage them to air the Canadian film, Prostitution behind the Veil. I am told the film is tragically moving and remarkably poignant documentary on hidden aspects of the Islamic Republic.
  • Iran’s Supreme Leader in his own words, with analysis. This is a lengthy but valuable read.
  • Russia has finally decided to provide Iran with nuclear fuel in the next three months. It is likely that this will a major issue when President Bush and Putin meet next week.
  • Iran warns of a “very rapid response” to an attack. I fear Iran is looking for an excuse to attack, when they are ready.
  • France’s new foreign minister, Michel Barnier, may be someone the US can work with.
  • Iran makes a desperate call for “Islamic Unity.” But it has fallen on deaf ears.
  • NATO wants closer ties with the Gulf Cooperation Council.
  • Iran will complete its nuclear fuel cycle in the next six months, according to Israel.
  • Syria is feeling vulnerable, even backing away from Iran’s call for a “united front” with Iran. Is the Bush administration beginning to get traction with Syria?
  • Cox and Forkum have done it again. Check out their latest cartoon, Black Wedding.
  • And finally, has released three more Iranian TV videos. Check them out...
  1. Iranian President Khatami: Difficult to Distinguish between President Bush and Bin Laden
  2. Iranian President Khatami Presents His Perception of Democracy
  3. Iranian TV Reports a Missile Attack in Iran