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Thursday, February 17, 2005

Thursday Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports:
Iran is six months from being able to build the bomb? The Israeli’s think so.

What's up with the unmanned aircraft attack rumors?

Here are a few of items you may have missed.

  • Iran and Syria announced they are building a “common front” to deal with the US. This is actually a PR stunt as this is nothing new. They simply reaffirmed previous agreements. The NY Sun wrote an excellent piece on this as well.
  • Amir Taheri makes the case that Syria was responsible for the murder of Rafik Hariri, the former Lebanese prime minister.
  • The Germans and the Iranians met again and said nothing new… big surprise.
  • Iran has begun mining uranium ore for a new facility.
  • Porter Goss weighed in yesterday on the present threat posed by Iran and Al Qaeda. My friends tell me to expect a major story on the Iran/Al Qaeda connection soon.
  • What’s up with Halliburton? New deals with Iran?
  • Congress appears to be getting serious regarding its Iran legislation. They are moving in the right direction. We need to write them and encourage this.
  • Maureen Dowd, of the NY Times doesn’t get that Iran is a totalitarian state and this is driving Iranian expatriates crazy. Good piece.
  • IAEA is still checking into how Iran obtain equipment for its nuclear program, but appears to be preparing to give them a clean bill of health on allegations thatIran has a nuclear weapons program.
  • Mullahs punish an entire town for protests, no gas to warm their homes.
  • Iranian readers, you may want to check out Bloggers Without Borders. They claim to have a program to help you get past the filters blocking your content.