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Monday, June 13, 2005

Monday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 6.13.2005:

Protest tomorrow in front of the infamous Evin Prison

Farideh Nicknazar, Iran Scan:
The Association of Writers in Iran has called for a protest and sit-in in front of the Evin Prison in Tehran tomorrow to show their solidarity with political prisoners. This happens on June 14, from 4–6 pm. The families of political prisoners and student associations are also joining in.

Last time (earlier in June) a group of family members protested in front of Evin prisoners they were arrested and jailed. Among those arrested was Mr. Zarafsahn‘s wife, Homa Zarafshan. READ MORE
The blogosphere should stand with these brave people. Together, we can make sure the mainstram media takes notice. These are the 21st century version of the soviet dissidents. They are pleading for the world to take notice. Let not let them down again.

These events are listed in our schedule of events. Please note we have had to replace the link today. Check for updates under the daily briefing list in our right sidebar.

Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
And finally, more photos and stuff: