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Friday, September 02, 2005

"Iran U.N. Protest 2005" Coalition to organize 2nd Telethon

SMCCDI (Information Service):
The "Iran U.N. Protest 2005" coalition which is composed by several Iranian secularist opposition groups is going to hold its 2nd Telethon this Saturday and Sunday in Los Angeles (CA).

The coalition intends to gather the necessary funds for the organization of a massive demo at the United Nations (UN) on September 14th.

The fundraising program is to start from 07:00 PM (US PST) on the popular Los Angeles based Satellite NITV network which is broadcasting worldwide. The event is expected to be also transmitted by couple of other satellite networks.

As reported, on August 22nd, Iranian secularists are preparing a kind of 'welcoming' ceremony for the Islamic republic's appointed president on US soil. Ahamdi-Nejad is to speak on September 14th at the UN General Assembly in New York.

The group held its first telethon last week on NITV and KRSI. These programs can be seen also live via:

See the following link for NITV's satellite coordinate.