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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Several Political prisoners transferred to Evin prison

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi
Student committee for the defense of political prisoners

On Saturday, Dec. 3rd political prisoners Bina Darab-Zand, Khaled Hardani, Pour-Mansouri Brothers (Shahram & Farhang) who were being held at Rejaiishahr prison, in the Tehran suburb of Karadj, were transferred to the political prisoners ward 350 of Evin Prison. READ MORE

The imprisoned activists had in fact been transferred on Tuesday, Nov. 29th but were held in quarantine for 4 days before being settled in ward 350.

It appears that the decision to transfer the four prisoners was due to pressure from various international human rights organizations as well as their long-term group hunger strike at the Rejaiishahr prison. The four have been on extended hunger strikes on three different occasions and their main request was to simply have their charges to be evaluated and for them to be transferred to Evin prison where conditions are slightly better.

Also based on reports from Rejaiishahr prison, the other prisoners on hunger strike, Behrooz Javid-Tehrani, Asad Shaqaqi and Hodjat Zamani are continuing their now 18-day-long hunger strike. According to their families, all three are in extremely poor physical conditions. It is important to stress that each of these political prisoners have separately written both Kofi Anan and The Pope letters requesting their attention to their case and all the other political prisoners in Iran.