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Sunday, February 20, 2005

Bush Will Face Demands From Germany

AFP, EU Business:
US President George W. Bush comes to Germany this week keen to open a new chapter in relations with one of Europe's powers, but he will find Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder asking for US help over Iran.

After summits with the European Union and NATO in Brussels, Bush flies into Germany on Wednesday to head for the normally quiet Rhineland cities of Mainz and nearby Wiesbaden. ...

While the scars over Iraq appear to healing, the issue of Iran's controversial nuclear programme looms over Bush's first European trip of his second term.

Schroeder said he would be asking Bush for the United States to work more closely with Germany, France and Britain who are trying to persuade Iran to abandon efforts to develop weapons-grade nuclear fuel. ...

But Bush said rumours that the US was planning a military attack on Iran were unfounded.

"I've heard all the gossip and the false stories about this. The people have got to know that we will try diplomacy for all means," he told ARD.

But Bush warned that "diplomacy can work so long as the Iranians don't divide Europe and the United States".

"It's in the interests of the German people and the American people and all people for the Iranians not to develop that nuclear weapon."

Schroeder meanwhile said he hoped Washington would fully back the EU efforts.
"In order to negotiate successfully one has to offer something on the other side," he said.

"In this case, what's specifically on offer is economic cooperation and security.

"Naturally both can be guaranteed best by Europe and America together."