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Sunday, April 24, 2005

Week in Review

DoctorZin provides a review of this past week's [4/17-4/23] major news events regarding Iran.

SPECIAL REPORT - Major Unrest in Southern Iran:
Iran's Presidential Elections:
The EU3 Negotiations with Iran:
Iran's Nuclear Program:
Iran's trouble making outside of Iran:
US Policy and Iran:
Rumors of War:
Iran's economy:
Human Rights/Freedom of the press inside of Iran:
Popular struggle for freedom inside of Iran:
Popular struggle for freedom outside of Iran:
Iran and the world community:
Middle East Experts:
And finally, The Quote of the Week:

Sheikh Ali Al-Shammari, a Shiite tribal leader from southern Iraq in attendance at the unveiling of the petition signed by 2.8 million Iraqis, sharply criticising neighbouring Iran’s rising meddling in Iraq, said:
“We, as Iraqis who value our independence, feel we must speak out as strongly as possible against this undeclared war by Iran..."