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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Wednesday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 8.31.2005:

Mullahs' Best Friend

Kenneth R. Timmerman, The National Review Online:
Twenty points down in the polls just one month before the September 18 general election, German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder is up to his old tricks.

Three years ago, facing a similar disadvantage in the polls against his Christian Democrat Party (CDU) opponent, Schroeder placed his bets on the anti-American fears and fantasies of a certain portion of his electorate and ran his campaign against President Bush and the war in Iraq. These past weeks, Schroeder has made it clear he was hoping to play the same card this election season, accusing the Americans of plotting a military campaign against Iran. READ MORE
Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • IranMania claims that the EU may hold off immediately calling for sanctions if Iran is brought before the UN Security Council.
  • Iran Press News reported that Ali Larijani stated: "Mohammad El Baradei has requested that we suspend our nuclear activities in our Esfahan plant but since that is something that needs to happen voluntarily... he needs to accept that this is only our business."
  • Iran Press News reported that a group of women who are permitted to teach gathered in front of the Islamic Assembly of the Parliament today.
  • Iran Press News the regime's media outlets wrote today that the residents of the bigger cities in Iran will now only have permission to use running tap water a few hours a week.
  • Iran Press News reported that the new Minister of Defense of Ahmadinejad's cabinet stated that the Shahab 3 Missile program would be expanded.
  • Iran Press News reported that Tehran is preparing to install loud speakers and cameras in 140 neighborhoods throughout Tehran, meant to broadcast the call to prayers (5 times a day), but it is also meant to broadcast directives to the populace and photograph them during times of escalation of conflict in order to contain resulting hostilities.
  • The Financial Times reported that Britain, France and Germany are seeking international support to refer Iran to the United Nations Security Council for a reprimand.
  • The Telegraph UK takes a look at Dan Fried, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, and reconsiders US efforts to support democracy in the Middle East.
  • NY Press points out Amir Taheri's report that Ahmadinejad is planning on destroying 20,000 villages and relocating some 30,000,000 residents.
  • Iran Focus reported that Ahmadinejad is planning to woo Iranian exiles living in the United States.
  • WorldNetDaily reported that Ahmadinejad will pay respects to Castro, Chavez before going to U.N.
  • IranMania reported that the Minister of Iran's Economic Affairs and Finance Davood Danesh-Jafari said Iran's Parliament needs to help check inflation.
  • Dow Jones Newswires reported that European Union foreign ministers will assess the possibility of drawing Iran back into talks on its nuclear program during a two- day meeting opening Thursday.
  • Reuters reported that Iran's top nuclear negotiator held talks with Indian leaders on Wednesday to garner support for Tehran's controversial nuclear program.
  • Voice of America reported that U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack says there is a "litany of questions" that need to be answered by Iran.
  • F. Michael Maloof, The Washington Times sees parallels with Iran's ancient assassins and the present.
  • Harlan Ullman, The Washington Times suggested that if the nation is to be safer and more secure, the president must be even bolder.
  • Xinhuanet reported that Iran denied on Tuesday an allegation made by some Arabic media that the Kuwaiti foreign minister had carried US message to Tehran.
  • Los Angeles Times reported that the US State Department says evidence indicates that Russia, Iran, North Korea and Syria all continue to maintain biological weapons programs.
  • The Billings Gazette reported that Iranian Americans are protesting the Iranian president's September visit to UN.
  • Reporters Without Borders welcomed the release of online journalist Mojtaba Lotfi and Mohamad Reza Nasab Abdolahi. But voiced concern that both still have prison sentences hanging over their heads.
  • Petition Online has a petition to help save ancient persian monuments. The Mullahs of Iran are about to destroy them.
  • And finally, Rooz Online published another cartoon, this time on: The demise and death of Publications & Papers in Iran.