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Friday, September 02, 2005

Dozens gather on Khavaran's massive grave

SMCCDI (Information Service):
Dozens gathered, today, at Khavaran cemetery located near Tehran in order to pay tribute to thousands of activists and dissidents executed in 1988 by the Islamic republic regime.

Hundreds of flowers were put on the massive grave and slogans were shouted under the eyes of the Islamic regime's security forces who were filming the participants. READ MORE

The Islamic regime executed between 5,000 to 7,000 political inmates in the days following the acceptance of cease fire in Iraq-Iran war. The bodies were carried to Khavaran and dumped into a massive grave.

In the last years, the Islamic regime authorities have tried to sell Khavaran cemetery for various construction. They hope that a buyer would help to erase the trace of such genocide.

Till few years ago, plainclothes agents were posted near Khavaran in order to beat the victims families or to dump excrement on the massive grave.