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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Friday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 3.17.2006:

UN Security Council meets on Iran. Bolton "very encouraged."
  • Reuters reported that John Bolton told reporters, "I would describe today's meeting as the best we have had so far. There are still areas of disagreement ... but I am very encouraged."
  • Reuters reported UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said negotiating with Iran over its nuclear program is the toughest test in diplomacy.
  • CBS News reported U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urged Iran to resume negotiations over its nuclear program, while also calling the country a central banker for terrorism.
  • The White House released their National Security Strategy of the United States of America which has a major focus on Iran. Full text.
The Iranian response.
  • IranMania reported Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi said Russia is not supposed to bargain over Iran's nuclear case in the UN Security Council.
Why the US wants direct talks with Iran about Iraq.
  • ABC News(au) reported that the United States has indicated that it was not seeking dialogue with Iran in proposing talks on Iraq, but rather it is trying to get it to stop meddling in the affairs of its neighbor.
  • Reuters reported that Ali Larijani said Iran is willing to open a dialogue with the United States on Iraq, "We accept this proposal and we will appoint a negotiating team for talks soon."
More unrest in Iran the Mainstream Media ignores. Translations of Iranian Press Reports.
  • Iran Press News reported that 1000 workers from the Kerman coal mines have gone on strike.
  • Iran Press News reported that 400 production units of household good and electrical factories inside Iran face financial crisis.
  • Iran Press News reported that approximately 150 workers of the Miral Glass factory who have neither been paid for more than 11 months.
  • Iran Press News reported that 300 workers from the Iran Auto factory gathered in protest.
  • Iran Press News reported that hundreds of protesting workers from the Sangrood mines (Province of Gilan), have remained unpaid for 13 months.
  • Iran Press News published a report and photo of the graves being prepared on University grounds for the burial of designated martyrs.
Rumors of war.
  • Iran Focus reported that the United States warned Iran through a secret channel that it would launch military attacks on a number of nuclear sites in Iran if there was no diplomatic progress a month after the Islamic Republic’s referral to the United Nations Security Council.
The Iranian Dissidents. More Charges pending on Ganji.
  • Eli Lake, The New York Sun reported that Akbar Ganji must stay in prison because he is likely to face additional charges.
  • Iran Press News reported on various dissidents inside of Iran including Mehran Kowsari who last year was imprisoned for being Bahaii.
A final update on the "Festival of Fire" unrest.
  • Iran Press News published thousands of Iranian celebrants turned the ancient Persian Festival of Fire (Chaharshanbeh Souri) into an anti-regime uprising.
Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • Kenneth R. Timmerman, warned the US administration needs to know who its friends are inside of Iran and more importantly, who they are not.
  • Ilan Berman, Iran Democracy Monitor reported Iranian diplomacy is now targeting Turkey.
  • Wanadoo reported an Iranian appeals court has confirmed a sentence of 18 months in jail for a German and Frenchman accused of illegally entering Iranian waters in a fishing boat.
  • And finally, reported Nippon Oil Corp said it will slash its imports from Iran by 15 pct, in part because of the international confrontation over Iran's nuclear program.