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Thursday, September 01, 2005

Iran's President to appeal to US-Iranians at UN meeting despite protests

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's new president, is planning to appeal to US-Iranian citizens in his upcoming appearance before the United Nations’ General Assembly in New York in September.

Ahmadinejad recently requested that Iran's mbassador to the UN prepare a list of 100 problems facing Iranian expatriates in the US in the hopes of proposing solutions to such problems during the visit, according to Iran Focus.

Some in Iran's Foreign Ministry questioned the viability of such a plan, doubting that it would have much impact. Ahmadinejad has very little understanding of the West, because he has spent very little time there and rarely interacted with Westerners." Additionally, Ahmadinejad is expected to present a new nuclear proposal to the UN while at the General Assembly meeting. Meanwhile, Iranian exiles in the US have announced plans to demonstrate outside the United Nations in protest of Ahmadinejad's visit. A rally is being organized by the New York Committee against Ahmadinejad (NYCA), which will take place in New York City on September 14.

It is expected that only official Iranian state television and radio broadcasting corporations will accompany Ahmadinejad on his visit.