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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Student demonstrations in front the main gates of the Tehran University

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi
Tehran University was closed on Wednesday, December 7th due to the regime’s new big lie, air pollution, however the students demonstrations in front of the university gates took place, as planned. Meanwhile, the director general of the ministry of sciences guardianship, in a typical attempt to silence the news of the large protest, said: “Due to official school and university closings, the students have postponed their ‘ceremonies’ to next week.”

The regimes disciplinary and security guards were present and had surrounded the university area and refused to open the gates for the hundreds of angry students who had gathered there from early morning. A demonstrators said: “If they don’t want to open the gates, that’s fine too; we can stand right here and this way, all the regular pedestrians can join our movement too.”

By noon the crowd had become so extensive that the regimes news agency MEHR had no choice but to report on the movement. At this point however the very same director general of the ministry of science changed his story and said: “The entrance and exit of the University students and their guests for the December 7th commemoration ceremonies must be coordinated with the security forces and the guardianship of the university. The University is in discussions with the students but the guardianship of the ministry of sciences does not believe it should make any concessions. On days when the schools and universities are officially closed, the students are expected to do as they’re told and stay away. One would think that having three days off from school would be appreciated by these students; they should stay home and take it easy.”