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Saturday, October 15, 2005

Week in Review

DoctorZin provides a review of this past week's [10/09-10/15] major news events regarding Iran. (The reports are listed in chronological order, not by importance)

  • Farid Pouya, Webgardian reported that Ghalibaf, the new Mayor of Tehran recently said former Mayor of Tehran, Ahmadinejad, did not do any thing important for city.
  • Omid Memarian, Rooz Online examines the implications of the new role of the Expediency Council to oversee the government and Rafsanjani's powerful new role as its Chairman.
  • Hamid Ahadi, Rooz Online reported the Supreme Leader cautions the President and his Cabinet.
  • Bill Samii, Radio Free Europe reported that Ahmadinejad's diplomacy is sparking controversy at home and abroad.
  • Scott Peterson, The Christian Science Monitor reported that Iran's new president, more than 100 days into his term, faces persistent discontent at home.
  • The Economist reported that since Ahmadinejad took office in August, parliament, influential unelected bodies and even members of his own cabinet have set out to blunt his egalitarian instincts and revolutionary zeal.
Iran's Nuclear Program.
  • Philip Sherwell, The Telegraph UK reported that Iran's new hardline president has placed his country's nuclear program under the control of militant commanders of the Revolutionary Guards.
  • Kuwaiti News Agency reported that Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hamid-Reza Asefi said: Why is the United States not destroying its nuclear weapons if these are bad? Why does it not start a global campaign to destroy nuclear weapons?
  • Forbes reported that Iran's top nuclear negotiator said Washington is not in a position to go to war against Tehran.
  • The Financial Times reported that Iran's top security official yesterday accused international bodies of treating Tehran worse than North Korea.
  • Middle East Newsline reported that Iran was said to have designed a nuclear warhead for the Shihab-3 intermediate-range ballistic missile.
  • Safa Haeri, Iran Press Service reported that Iran’s top nuclear negotiator said that Tehran would leave the Additional Protocol but not the nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
  • Reuters reported Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will hammer out a joint strategy with European powers over how to curb Iran's suspected nuclear arms programs on a trip later this week to France and Britain.
  • Reuters reported Kurt Volker, a senior official responsible for Europe and Eurasia in the U.S. State Department, said I don't think we [U.S./EU3] are going to be diverted, or distracted or divided by half-steps or small steps or probing of our position.
  • Anupama Narayanswamy, The Washington Times reported that IAEA vote is seen as hurting India-Iran ties. A detailed report.
  • Dow Jones Newswires reported that Iran signaled it may grant access to sites linked to possible work on nuclear weapons and other demands from the International Atomic Energy Agency.
  • Reuters reported that Prime Minister Tony Blair said Iran needed to comply with the IAEA resolution and stop its support for terrorism. He added: I think they would make a great mistake if they thought the international community lacked the will to make sure that is done.
  • Reuters reported that Britain and France put new pressure on Iran on Tuesday.
  • BBC News reported that the future of the UK's Trident missile deterrent could be affected if Iran develops nuclear weapons.
  • Africasia reported that UN nuclear watchdog number two Olli Heinonen left for Iran, where he is "paying a visit to certain officials."
  • Arash Mottamed, Rooz Online described the recent crisis between the hard-liners in Tehran and Washington to a game of ping pong.
  • Xinhuanet reported that the world waiting for Iran's "constructive proposals."
  • Safa Haeri, Iran Press Service reported that Iran now claims it is ready to approve the additional protocol... just in case.
  • Dr. Jerome Corsi, WorldNetDaily reported that the Israelis are preparing for a military strike on Iran.
  • Scott Peterson, The Christian Science Monitor reported on why the EU and Iran are still far apart over nukes.
  • Amir Oren, Ha'aretz reported that on the eve of Yom Kippur, the surprise for which Israel is vigilant is no longer an Egyptian and Syrian air and armor attack, but Iranian missiles.
  • BBC News reported that British officials have approved the export of key components needed to make nuclear weapons to Iran.
  • Iran Press Service reported that Iran wants to restart the nuclear negotiations without preconditions, except their precondition of having the right to develop the full nuclear cycle.
  • Reuters reported that U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will lobby Russia to pressure Iran over its suspected nuclear arms program.
  • Reuters reported that two Pentagon consultants said: Can the United States live with a nuclear-armed Iran? Despite its rhetoric, it may have no choice.
  • Nazila Fathi, The New York Times thinks there was a shift in Iran when it said they would agree to resume nuclear talks.
  • Iran Press News reported that Mohammad El Baradei said: The regime in Tehran must know that the international community's patience where their nuclear program is concerned has run out.
  • Gareth Smyth, The Financial Times reported Mohammad Atrianfar, editor-in-chief of Shargh newspaper questioned whether Iran should have a comprehensive nuclear program saying radicals are using the nuclear issue for domestic reasons.
  • reported that U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice strongly encouraged Iran to restart dialogue with the European Union to avoid being referred to the U.N. Security Council over its nuclear program.
  • News From Russia reported that Iran's foreign minister said Friday that he won Beijing's support for his nation's efforts to develop nuclear energy.
  • People's Daily reported that Chinese Vice President Zeng Qinghong urged the Iranian's to take active action for unfreezing the current stalemate and resume its negotiations with the European Union at an early date.
  • Reuters reported that Iran reiterated that despite global concerns about its nuclear program it welcomes foreign investment in the sector.
  • Reuters reported that U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice courted Russian support saying: We and Russia have found common cause in our attempts to help the Europeans and other countries to get the Iranians to first of all remove the many questions ... about their programs.
  • ABC News reported US ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton has accused Iran of spending 18 years trying to develop nuclear weapons, while lying to the world about its intentions.
El Baradei and the Iranians.
  • Safa Haeri, Iran Press Service reported that Iran denounced the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to El Baradei.
  • Iran Press News reported that Mohammad Kiareshi, the previous representative of the Islamic regime at the IAEA claimed: The purpose for bestowing the Nobel Peace Prize on El Baradei is to publicize his image to the world, deceive and bamboozle world opinion...
  • Iran Press News reported that El Baradei's deputy traveled to Iran Sunday.
  • The Washington Times discussed Iran's novel attempt to claim Mohamed ElBaradei is a hawk.
Iranian Dissidents.
  • Iran Press News reported that blogger, Omid Sheikhaan's trial began on Saturday. He was originally charged with blogging and internet related activities, the sentence is being passed on charges completely unrelated to those issues.
  • Iran Press News reported that the trial of Dr. Farzad Hamidi reopened Saturday. He is charged with "Action Against National Security."
  • Iran Press News reported that the trial against student human rights activist Davoud Jafarpour will begin on December 14th, 2005. He has been charged with "Action Against National Security."
  • Iran Press News reported that the popular and diligent activist Kianoosh Sanjari has been temporarily released from prison.
  • Iran Press News reported that the three Kurdish journalists, who were arrested and charged with being party to the incitement of the July/August protests in Kurdistan, have been found guilty of "Combat against God."
  • Iran Press News reported that Bina Darab-Zand, member of the Central Committee of the Democratic Front of Iran who had been ordered to appear in court for a hearing, refused to attend.
  • Rooz Online reported on that Ganji was still not being permitted visitors, is apparently in solitary confinement and the spokesman for Iran's Judiciary admitted: We have tried to put Mr. Ganji off the spotlight...
The Unrest Inside of Iran.
  • SMCCDI reported that several students were injured, on Sunday evening, by brutal Bassij Force's elements who attacked them with knives and clubs. Iran focus and Iran Press News have more details.
  • SMCCDI reported that an Islamist judge was wounded by an individual who had planned to burn his victim and himself in sign of protest against the Islamic regime's judiciary system.
  • Iran Press News reported that the Commander of the Area Basiji Resistance of greater Tehran have equipped the ASHURA Battalions with semi-heavy and heavy artillery.
  • Reuters reported that in the Iranian city of Ahvaz, two bombs set off minutes apart killed four people and wounded dozens of others.
  • Gulf Times, Reuters reported that Iran’s new police chief has vowed to crack down on illicit alcohol, music CDs and parties where people of the opposite sex mingle, months after promising a policy which would respect people’s privacy.
Iran's troublemaking.
  • The Scotsman reported that a team of military specialists has been dispatched to Iraq to compile a comprehensive dossier of evidence that "Iranian elements" have been arming insurgents engaged in a brutal struggle with British forces around Basra.
  • Reuters reported that London has accused Iran of running training camps to teach militants how to carry out roadside bomb attacks.
  • Iran Focus reported that in a case of tit-for-tat: Iran is now accusing Britain of weapons smuggling into Iran.
  • The Sun reported that British troops have obtained two of the infrared detonators (believed to be Iranian made) intact.
  • Iran Focus reported that at least 1,300 Iranians remain in Iraqi prisons of which 98 percent are undercover military or intelligence agents to Iraq under the cover of pilgrims.
  • Reuters reported that UK Defense Secretary John Reid stepped up accusations on Thursday that Iranians were behind a series of roadside bomb attacks on British troops in southern Iraq.
  • Martin Sieff, United Press International reported that suddenly, Iran's growing influence in Iraq is top of the national security agenda again in Britain and America. The question is, what to do about it?
  • Iran Press News reported that Iran's hard-lines admit defeat in Iraq in their efforts to win arab support.
  • Iran Focus reported that ten Iranian agents have been arrested in Iraq. The agents were arrested along with 88 other insurgents.
U.S. Policy.
  • The Los Angeles Times reported that while Colin L. Powell and his team faced off against administration and usually lost, Condi is winning.
  • The Associated Press reported that the relatives of a former U.S. hostage were awarded $91 million in a lawsuit filed against Iran.
The Iranian Military.
  • Iran Press News reported that Revolutionary Guard Kowsari, the Director of the office of the Armed Security Forces said: We know all of our various enemie's weak spots and we know just how to deal with them. Today we are equipped with people who are martyrdom-seekers, who can seriously damage these weak spots.
  • Bill Gertz, The Washington Times reported new worries about Iranian military forces' deploying new specialty weapons that threaten oil supplies.
The Economy.
  • Nazila Fathi, The NY Times reported that Iran's plummeting stock market, where prices have declined nearly 30 percent since Sept. 24.
  • Iran Press News reported that the commission responsible for fighting smuggled goods and currency has been dissolved.
  • Yasser, Under Underground said "its a fact" that 30 years before Turkey’s economy was about less than half of Iran’s economy but today Iran's is less than of half that of Turkey.
  • AME Info reported that Iran has shut down production from two oil fields because of difficulties selling the heavy oil the sites produce.
  • Mehr News reported that Iranian and French auto part manufacturers have recently signed a number of joint venture contracts.
Human Rights/Freedom of the press inside of Iran.
  • Iran Press News reported that the regime has refused to stop the execution of yet another teenager.
  • Iran Press News reported on the abusive and violent treatment of the disciplinary guards toward the youth of Iran.
  • Nazanin Namdar, Rooz Online reported that Iran's press court will resume its work next week to publicly review the case of more than 130 publications that have been closed.
  • Gulf Times reported that the European Union severely criticized Iran’s human rights record yesterday, saying its performance on the death penalty, freedom of expression and religious liberty had deteriorated.
  • Shahram Rafizadeh, Rooz Online reported on the current offensive against Human Rights Groups in Iran.
  • Shirin Ebadi, Rooz Online said that based on Iran’s constitution, all court hearings are to be public, except in very rare legal situations. ... but this a measure that has not been observed in many of the judicial cases.
  • TechWeb News reported that Secure Computing said that it is taking steps to prevent Iran from illegally downloading its software the regime is using to restrict Internet access by the Iranian people.
  • TheStar reported that an Iranian woman has been sentenced to death by stoning for adultery.
Protests inside of Iran.
  • Iran Press Newsreported that hundreds of protesting workers of the FARNAKH and MEHNAKH thread factory once again gathered in protest for continued non-receipt of their wages and blocked the road between the towns of Qazveen and Shahreh San'ati.
  • Iran Press News reported that a group of hospital employees from Mahdee'yeh Hospital, in the city of Kermanshah traveled to Tehran to protest non-receipt of 10 months worth of their wages.
  • Iran Press News reported that hundreds of West Alborz Coal miners and employees gathered to protest in Tehran.
  • SMCCDI reported that students of Najaf-Abad University protested, today, against the increase of Gender Apartheid policy.
Iran and the International community.
  • IranMania reported that the Spanish translation of Imam Khomeini's biography was recently published in Venezuela.
  • Iran Press News reported that Manouchehr Mot'taki, the foreign minister of the IRI will travel to China to discuss the relationship between China and the Islamic Republic.
  • Arabic News reported that Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah Ibn Abdul Aziz renewed his warning to Iran of becoming "a bulwark in the path of peace and security in Iraq."
Insight into the Iranian people.
  • Maryam Kashani, Rooz Online asked: Is Being Young, in Iran, a Crime?
Can You Believe This?
  • Forouzan Asef Nakhaie, Rooz Online reported that the government has announced there are 90 million ID for 70 million people and they have a theory why.
  • Iran Press News reported that Iran's Airports and airlines offices all across Iran will be forced to eliminate foreign words and characters.
  • Farnaz Ghazizadeh, Rooz Online reported on the growing call for a national dress code by hard-liners in Iran.
  • Iran Press News reported that Hezbollah established a TV Channel for the United States and Europe.
  • CNN News reported that Syria's interior minister, who was head of the country's military intelligence in neighboring Lebanon for nearly 20 years, has committed suicide. Hmmmm. Isn't this convenient.
  • Reuters reported that female civil servants at Iran's Culture Ministry and female journalists must be out of the office by dusk to be with their families.
Must Read reports.
  • Con Coughlin, The Telegraph UK exposed the real story behind Jack Straw's appeasement of the Iranians.
  • Simon Henderson, The Washington Institute provided an analysis of Saudi Foreign Policy and the insurgency in Iraq.
  • Dan Darling, Regnum Crucis published Michael Ledeen's thoughts on Iran's so-called rogue elements in Iraq.
  • Dan Darling, The Weekly Standard reported important new evidence of the Iran/Al Qaeda connection. The al-Zawahiri Letter.
  • Iran Focus reported that members of Britain’s House of Commons from the country’s three major political parties took turns to lambaste Iran’s hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his government. Read the transcript of the debate.
  • Jahangir Amuzegar, Middle East Policy Council produced an appraisal of Iran's Third Development Plan. For instance, the report criticizes Iran's centralized planning of the economy.
The Experts.
  • Michael Rubin, The Observer said that the UK's the 'softly-softly' approach to Iran is a model no more, adding that only threat of force will tame Tehran.
  • Michael Ledeen, The National Review suggested we use a powerful weapon against the terror masters: fun.
Photos, Cartoons, Audio and Video of the week.
  • Winston, The Spirit of Man provided links to music by an Iranian Rapper who sings on Freedom, Democracy and Regime Change in Iran.
  • Cox & Forkum published another cartoon on terrorism: Their Perspective.
  • Cox & Forkum published another cartoon about the Mullahs: En Garde.
  • Cox & Forkum published another cartoon: Outside Influence.
And finally, The Quote of the Week.
Con Coughlin, The Telegraph UK quoted a diplomat's response to the earth shattering revelation about Jack Straw's gag order on British Diplomats in regards to Iran.

"It was all very amusing,...For years diplomats have been under strict instructions not to say anything in public that might upset the Iranians. And then someone gives it to them straight between the eyes."