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Saturday, June 17, 2006

Week in Review

DoctorZin provides a review of this past week's [6/11/06 - 6/17/06] major news events regarding Iran. (The reports are listed in chronological order, not by importance) READ MORE

Iran's Nuclear Program & The UN Security Council.
  • The Telegraph reported that fresh evidence has emerged that Iran is working on a secret military project codenamed Zirzamin 27 to develop nuclear weapons that has not been declared to United Nations inspectors responsible for monitoring Iran’s nuclear program.
  • Bloomberg reported that Iran said traces of highly enriched uranium found by United Nations inspectors in Tehran came from abroad and aren't evidence of domestic production.
  • reported that pressure is building on Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf to allow access to nuclear scientist A. Q. Khan to discover what he knows about fresh traces of enriched uranium found on equipment used at an Iranian military site.
  • The New York Times reported that Iran's Foreign Ministry rejected some proposals from the Perm-5 trying to persuade it to stop its atomic fuel work and said Tehran will offer its own amendments.
  • The New York Times reported that the chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency faulted Tehran today for failing to provide information.
  • Yahoo News reported that the United States and Europe are lobbying other nations to join them this week in urging Iran to start talks on its uranium enrichment program.
  • The Times of India reported that the United States has pursued another diplomatic track by building a 'coalition of the willing' to isolate Iran.
  • The New York Sun reported that a series of unanswered questions on Iran's program to enrich uranium for bombs and power will be raised Monday as the board of the International Atomic Energy Agency meets in Vienna.
  • The Los Angeles Times reported the unease conservative community has to Condoleezza Rice's offer to Iran.
  • Kenneth R. Timmerman, News Max reported that new evidence is emerging that Iran has built a secret plant, located some 20 kilometers to the northeast of Tehran near the Lashgarak dam, which houses a clandestine centrifuge uranium enrichment plant, where Iran is making nuclear weapons material.
  • Yahoo News reported that China and Russia have again refused to join with other big powers in threatening sanctions over Iran's nuclear program.
  • The Pew Research Center released the result of their poll that indicates that most Americans believe that Iran wants to possess nuclear technology in order to develop nuclear weapons, not energy. But there is broad public opposition to launching U.S. air strikes against military targets in Iran, with multilateral sanctions by far the preferred option.
  • The Washington Post reported on a statement drawn up by the 16-nation nonaligned bloc at the board meeting of the IAEA "reaffirmed the basic and inalienable right" of all countries to develop, produce and use atomic energy "for peaceful purposes, without any discrimination and in conformity with their respective legal obligations."
  • Yahoo News reported that the U.S. Treasury Department named one U.S. and four Chinese companies as supporters of Iran's military and Iranian weapons programs.
  • IranMania reported that Iran insisted it has not been given a deadline to reply to an international proposal aimed at ending a crisis over the Islamic republic's nuclear program.
  • Bloomberg reported that the U.S. has again rejected an offer from Iran to limit the scale of its uranium enrichment. U.S. Ambassador Greg Schulte added: "Iran has a clear choice, a positive path that brings real benefits and long-term security to the Iranian people."
  • Rooz Online reported on the coming "compromise" or "big battle" between the US and the Iranian regime. A must read.
  • The Jerusalem Post reported that Iran's defense minister vowed his country would "use nuclear defense as a potential" if "threatened by any power."
  • The New York Times reported that when a formal incentives package by six nations to encourage Iran to curb its nuclear program was presented in writing in Tehran last week, they delivered the news about the sticks — only orally.
  • Houston Chronicle reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Iran is ready to enter into negotiations on an offer by the U.N. powers to encourage Tehran to relinquish its nuclear fuel enrichment program.
  • Dow Jones Newswires reported that Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei vowed to resist Western pressure over his country's disputed nuclear program saying: "The Islamic Republic of Iran will not succumb to these pressures and it considers the continuation (of its nuclear program) a main objective."
  • The Washington Post reported that while the United States and Europe urged Iran to lift the veil of secrecy surrounding its nuclear activities and freeze uranium enrichment, Iran warned the West against undue pressure, saying "the carrot and stick has always been counterproductive."
  • Yahoo News reported that while US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Iran had made "positive statements" about Western proposals to resolve a row over its nuclear program, but she also added "we need an answer" from Tehran.
  • RIA Novosti reported that Russia's foreign minister Lavrov said he expects an answer from Iran on starting talks to resolve the crisis around its nuclear program in the near future.
  • Asia Times argued that the Western crisis with Iran is put part of a larger struggle taking place: a tripolar contest among the United States, Russia and China for domination of the greater Persian Gulf.
  • The Washington Post reported that Iran's foreign minister said the government likely would suggest amendments to a Western package of incentives.
  • RIA Novosti reported that Tehran will give an "absolutely transparent" answer to the Iran Six's package of proposals.
A roundup of reports on the women's demonstration in Tehran 6/13. Photos.
  • Iran Press News provided a detailed report on the Islamic Regime's attack and assault attendants of the peaceful Women's March. Among those present at the march were academics, well-known human and women's rights activists, student leaders, and members of the greater Tehran bus drivers union. Photos.
  • Radio Free Europe reported on the Women's March and eyewitnesses claimed there were maybe as many security forces as protesters.
  • SMCCDI reported that Islamist female agents named by most Iranians as "Black Crows" (due to their black veils), used of clubs, chains and Tear-Gas spray against helpless and women who were shouting slogans against the regime.
  • BBC News reported that the viciousness of the police attack on the protestors caused men who were passing by in the street to protest. "These are our sisters, how can you do this?"
  • Rooz Online reported that as Iranian women activists continued their preparations for their June 12th rally to call for ending gender discrimination, over 10 women activists have been summoned by Iranian judiciary and security officials.
  • published more photos of today's protest.
  • published their letter to Amnesty International more asking them to condemn the recent atrocities against women in Iran.
  • Amnesty International condemned the Iranian security forces' violent disruption of a peaceful demonstration on 12 June by women and men advocating an end to legal discrimination against women in Iran.
  • Reporters Without Borders confirmed earlier reports that the demonstration in Tehran attracted more than 5,000 women.
Iran at the World Cup: Cheers, Tears and Protests.
  • The Star reported that German Jews and politicians protested Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's denial of the Nazi Holocaust Sunday while his country kicked off its World Cup campaign.
  • News Press reported that World Cup soccer is speaking to Iranians everywhere - even those who despise the country's leaders adore the team.
  • Publis Pundit reported that despite the presence of the regime’s vice-president at the stadium, tens of Iranian fans cheered their team but also staged a significant anti-regime protest. Photos of the game and demonstrations.
  • FifaWorldCup.Sporati provided live blogging of the Mexico vs Iran World Cup match. Mexico won 3 to 1.
  • Forbes reported that more than 1,000 people gathered peacefully Saturday to protest the Iranian president's denial of the Holocaust as Iran played its second match at the World Cup.
Iran at the SCO.
  • Reuters reported that China said that this week's summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization's (SCO), a Central Asian security group, will highlight the organization's rising stature, but Iran threatens to highlight its limits.
  • Peter Brookes, The New York Post reported that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization reeks of trouble for Uncle Sam.
  • The Financial Times reported that a central Asian summit of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation which will discuss security issues is likely to be overshadowed by the presence of Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad.
  • The Wall Street Journal reported that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit is demonstrating aggressive anti-American bent and growing political clout.
  • Reuters reported that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad offered energy cooperation to members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
  • The Financial Times reported that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad called on China, Russia, and central Asian nations to resist intrusions in the region by the “domineering” US.
The Unrest in Iran.
  • SMCCDI reported on the unrest, sporadic clashes and attack of some public buildings and materials in several Iranian cities, yesterday night, following Iran's 3-1 loss to Mexico in the frame of the 2006 Soccer World Cup.
  • BBC News reported that Iranian news websites and women bloggers have been full of angry comments about the way that policewomen took part in breaking up a women's demonstration for more legal rights in Tehran.
Iran's leaders latest statements.
  • The Jerusalem Post reported that Iran's defense minister vowed his country would "use nuclear defense as a potential" if "threatened by any power."
  • Yahoo News reported that Iran's president said that the six-nation incentive package aimed at getting his country to halt uranium enrichment was a "step forward" but also repeated assertions that the Nazi Holocaust was unproven, saying it should be independently investigated.
  • Khaleej Times Online reported British Prime Minister Tony Blair sees no need for an inquiry into the Holocaust.
Iranian leaderships unity weakening?
  • Rooz Online reported that while ultra-conservative cleric ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi has refrained from distancing himself from his associates who last week physically and violently disrupted ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani’s public talk in the city of Qom, this radical cleric may end up denounced by the regime and eventually pushed into forced exile.
  • Iran Press Service reported that over the past year there is a slow Palace Coup taking in the making of the Iranian government.
  • Rooz Online claims that a number of reformist parties have asked veteran Iranian politician Hashemi Rafsanjani to run in the upcoming Experts Assembly for Leadership election.
More troublemaking by the Iranian regime.
  • The New York Post reported that New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly warned that Iran has an "aggressive" spy program targeting New York City, "they are not going to other cities to do it. They are doing it here in New York. They are aggressively surveilling us."
Human Rights and Freedom of the Press in Iran.
  • Rooz Online reported that an Iranian judge has decided to reopen the 9-year-old mysterious murder case of a flight attendant which was initially closed because of the interference and lobbying of top intelligence officials.
  • Reuters reported that Iran's judiciary freed two journalists on bail after they were arrested for insulting Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
  • Fars News Agency reported that Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said his ministry is about to release a detailed report on the cases of human rights violation in the United States and Europe.
  • Macleans published a detailed report on Ramin Jahanbegloo is a noted scholar and a Canadian citizen who has recently been imprisoned in Iran. An excellent report.
  • Rooz Online reported on the new tactics the regime employed in putting down the recent women's rights demonstration in Tehran.
  • Iran Focus reported a man has been hanged in a prison in the south-eastern province of Sistan-va-Baluchistan, in what many Baluchis believe is a response to a spate of attacks by dissidents on government and security officials.
  • Iran Focus reported that Iran’s State Security Forces have carried out nearly 80,000 “on the spot” interrogations over the past two months in the streets of Tehran alone.
  • reported that last month, elements of the intelligence services of Iranian regime abducted the seventeen year-old Shima, the daughter of Koorosh Ahmadi, a political activist in Iran.
  • Rooz Online reported that in their first press conference, the new student members of the Islamic Association of Amir Kabir University warned that they will not allow universities to be turned into prisons or military camps.
The Iranian Economy.
  • Yahoo News reported that a group of 50 prominent Iranian economists have written an open letter to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, criticizing his government policies for promoting skyrocketing inflation.
Support for Internal Regime Change in Iran?
  • Time Magazine (Europe) published 10 Questions for Reza Pahlavi.
  • reported that Ayatollah Khomeini's Grandson said: 'freedom must come to Iran in any possible way, whether through internal or external developments. If you were a prisoner, what would you do? I want someone to break the prison [doors open]...'"
  • Eli Lake, The New York Sun reported that two scions of the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran are emerging as emboldened opponents of the regime in Tehran, reviving the prospect that the son of the former shah may collaborate with the grandson of the ayatollah who deposed him.
  • The Telegraph reported that the grandson of Ayatollah Khomeini, the inspiration of Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution, has broken a three-year silence to back the United States military to overthrow the country's clerical regime.
US/Iran talks?
  • IranMania reported that Iran is no longer interested in direct talks with the United States over the situation in Iraq.
Iran and the International community.
  • Newsweek reported that Mideastern leaders are afraid that Tehran has sophisticated designs for the area from the gulf to the Mediterranean starting with the fear of an Iranian annexation of Iraq. Washington cannot afford to ignore this Iranophobia.
  • Arab News reported that Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called for “strategic cooperation” with Saudi Arabia after a meeting with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal.
  • Yahoo News reported that the defense ministers from close allies Iran and Syria have signed an agreement for military cooperation against what they called the "common threats" presented by Israel and the United States.
  • Middle East Newsline reported that Iran has offered numerous weapons, such as Iranian missiles, air defense systems and main battle tanks, as well as the establishment of defense production facilities in Syria.
  • Adnkronos International reported that the six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council have agreed to link all GCC ports to guarantee the smooth flow of goods should the nuclear stand off between neighbouring Iran and the West escalate.
Zarqawi Dead! Was Iran the source?
  • GIS sources have claimed that the intelligence which led to the exact targeting of Zarqawi had been provided to Coalition Forces by one of the jihadist commander’s chief sponsors: Iran. Alan Peters provided more details.
The battle in the US Senate on Iran.
  • The Washington Post reported that Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid said that he plans to introduce legislation next week that would require a new national intelligence estimate for Iran.
  • DoctorZin reported that the Iran Freedom Support Act was to be voted on in the Senate Thursday.
  • Eli Lake, The NY Sun reported that faced with legislation that would force America to take a harder line on Iran, Secretary of State Rice worked closely yesterday with a key Senate Democrat to kill the Iran Freedom and Support Act.
Must Read reports.
  • Iran Focus reported that several key agents of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security operating in countries bordering Iran have gone on the run from their terror masters in Tehran.
  • The New York Post reported that New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly warned that Iran has an "aggressive" spy program targeting New York City, "they are not going to other cities to do it. They are doing it here in New York. They are aggressively surveilling us."
  • The Christian Science Monitor reported that Hamas or Hezbollah are now in the awkward position of having to decide whether to bend to popular opinion and end their drive to eliminate Israel.
  • Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review Online discussed the US offer of direct talks with Iran and the confusion it is causing among the Iranian opposition movement who fear President Bush may be selling them out for a nuclear deal.
The Experts.
  • Kenneth R. Timmerman, News Max reported that new evidence is emerging that Iran has built a secret plant, located some 20 kilometers to the northeast of Tehran near the Lashgarak dam, which houses a clandestine centrifuge uranium enrichment plant, where Iran is making nuclear weapons material.
  • Michael Ledeen, National Review Online reported that the mullahs have had a lot of bad news in recent days — news with a particularly sinister aura, in fact. So sinister that they must be asking themselves what they have done to incur the Divine wrath.
  • Michael Rubin, The Weekly Standard reported on "the Bush policy on Iran" and points our the many parallels with Clinton's failed approach to North Korea.
  • Amir Taheri, The New York Post reported on the new power struggle inside of Iran and how Ahmadinejad's faction is pushing for Armageddon.
  • Michael Ledeen, The National Review Online suggested we should be careful not to be deceived by the recent Al Qaeda document found in Iraq.
  • Amir Taheri, Asharq Alawsat published a book review of - Islamic Imperialism: A History. He reports it is a must read.
  • Amir Taheri, Arab News explains why the US is unlikely to getting help on Iran at next month's G8 Summit in Russia.
DoctorZin Reports.
  • DoctorZin reported that he needed to ban some supporters of the regime from posting comments on our reports after they crossed the red-line.
  • DoctorZin appeared on the John Batchelor Show last night.
  • DoctorZin reported that he joined a group of fellow bloggers in a tele-conference with former Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky, the inspiration behind the Bush Doctrine, where he spoke of the need to support the Iranian opposition.
Photos, cartoons and videos.
  • Iran Press News published photos of the people of Ghazvin protesting Ahmadinejad's visit to their town, with translations.
  • Iran Press News photos of the Islamic Regime's attack and assault attendants of the peaceful Women's March.
  • published more photos of today's protest.
  • Yahoo News reported that about 500 followers of a Shiite cleric attacked the Iranian consulate in the southern Iraqi city of Basra on Wednesday, throwing stones and setting fire to a building in the diplomatic complex. Photos.
  • Photo of an interesting Iranian protest in Paris.
  • Video compares the Shah of Iran to Islamist rule.
The Quote of the Week.
Michael Davies reminded us of a fascinating quote by Ayatollah Khomeini regarding when to expect the fall of the Iranian regime. Ahmadinejad should be concerned by his words.

"And, when the great Musleh (Reformer) appears do not think that a miracle will take place and the entire world will be put aright in a day! Rather, it is by hard work and sacrifices that the oppressors will be done away with. And if you think, as some misguided laymen do, that for the Mahdi (AS) to appear, the world must be entirely overwhelmed with cruelty and injustice therefore, to have him appear sooner, cruelty should be promoted, then let us all chime our own death knells. (From God we are and unto Him we return.)"