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Saturday, July 02, 2005

Week in Review

DoctorZin provides a review of this past week's [6/26-7/2] major news events regarding Iran.

Iran's new President elect - Ahmadinejad Who Is He?
Ahmadinejad: the first terrorist President?
Ahmandinejad and The Hostage Photo Controversy:
Ahmandinejad and the Hostages:
Iran's Presidential Elections, evidence of massive fraud:
Iran's Presidential Elections, analysis:
The power struggle inside of Iran:
Iran's military:
Iran's nuclear negotiations:
The Iranian Economy:
US Policy and Iran:
Human Rights/Freedom of the press inside of Iran:
Popular struggle for freedom inside of Iran:
Popular support outside of Iran for the pro-democracy efforts inside of Iran:
Can you believe this?
Iranian bloggers:
Must Read reports:
The Experts:
Photos and cartoons of the week:
And finally, The Quote of the Week:

In a press conference carried live by CNN and the BCC, Ahmadinejad dismissed questions about human rights and nuclear issues by saying:

"these discussions have worn thin and are offensive."